0 words

A total of 0 words were found in your text

0 characters

A total of 0 characters (with spaces) were found in your text

0 vowels

Vowels are a,e,i,o,u including German umlauts ä,ö,ü

Online Words Counter Tool

On the website words-counter.com you will find a free online tool for counting words and characters. Just enter or write any text in the form above and the words counter tool will analyze the number of words, characters, sentences, vowels and more for you. The number of characters is displayed with and without spaces. The Word Counter also distinguishes between letters and numbers and gives you two results for the number of words counted, one result where the numbers are counted as word and one result without numbers.

Vowels a,e,i,o and also German umlauts like ä,ü,ö are counted together and displayed in the right box under vowels. The number of sentences is determined by the final punctuation marks . ! ? and displayed in the right box under sentences.

The Word Counter can do even more. Based on the characters and length of the text, you will also get a value for the reading speed (the time needed to read the text), the typing speed (the time needed to type the text with a keyboard) and the writing speed (the time needed to write the text by hand).

The tool will also show you the frequency of the top 10 keywords. So you can write perfect SEO texts and optimize your text for one or two keywords and at the same time you have an overview of the text length which is crucial for a good SEO text. The counted keywords are listed according to frequency of occurrence. You will find the keywords on the right side.

Improve the quality of your texts for websites, presentations, blogs and posts.An SEO optimized website with sufficient text length is the basis for a good ranking in search engines. A good SEO text should contain about 200 - 300 words and be focused on 1 or 2 keywords. The text length on a page is not always decisive, but the longer the text, the better the ranking can be. For posts on Instagram, a maximum character length of 30 characters should be observed. The social media channels differ from the maximum character length of the posts among themselves.

So compare and count the words with the Words Counter Tool, save time and optimize your texts.


Keyword Frequency

Online Words Counter Tool

On the website words-counter.com you will find a free online tool for counting words and characters. Just enter or write any text in the form above and the words counter tool will analyze the number of words, characters, sentences, vowels and more for you. The number of characters is displayed with and without spaces. The Word Counter also distinguishes between letters and numbers and gives you two results for the number of words counted, one result where the numbers are counted as word and one result without numbers.

Vowels a,e,i,o and also German umlauts like ä,ü,ö are counted together and displayed in the right box under vowels. The number of sentences is determined by the final punctuation marks . ! ? and displayed in the right box under sentences.

The Word Counter can do even more. Based on the characters and length of the text, you will also get a value for the reading speed (the time needed to read the text), the typing speed (the time needed to type the text with a keyboard) and the writing speed (the time needed to write the text by hand).

The tool will also show you the frequency of the top 10 keywords. So you can write perfect SEO texts and optimize your text for one or two keywords and at the same time you have an overview of the text length which is crucial for a good SEO text. The counted keywords are listed according to frequency of occurrence. You will find the keywords on the right side.

Improve the quality of your texts for websites, presentations, blogs and posts.An SEO optimized website with sufficient text length is the basis for a good ranking in search engines. A good SEO text should contain about 200 - 300 words and be focused on 1 or 2 keywords. The text length on a page is not always decisive, but the longer the text, the better the ranking can be. For posts on Instagram, a maximum character length of 30 characters should be observed. The social media channels differ from the maximum character length of the posts among themselves.

So compare and count the words with the Words Counter Tool, save time and optimize your texts.

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